A downloadable IS:Pl.

Help Craig Kanye Someone The Introvert to defeat the extroverts, after getting kidnapped by his extrovert friend Bardy  and getting taken to the mysterious dimension party land, Craig and Bardy, his brother Radivan and his sentient computer all come together to destroy party land and escape.

thanks to Mr.Vibe for making that sick art based on doom's cover and for the help with some sprites and making that sick side art of the introverts and extroverts.

thanks some of my steam friends for naming some characters.

Also, remember that one guy who was of mild inconvenience to you? He's good as dead!

        - some guy on r/introvert.


I Might Have Failed You Guys, I'm Sorry,  idk if i will make the game...

Development log


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feels like acid trip i lik it

(1 edit)

funny that the game will never be made, i wanted make it like a doom game.

mr.vibe i love u.

+rep Mr.Vibe for making this sick art for it.